The sights and sounds we notice do not make sense.
There is no notion yet, of sense itself…
Awe-provoking instants of first consciousness pass quickly, as children note how certain objects, concepts, and people are respected more than others.
We’re told how value guides this behavior. We accumulate and preserve what is good, while respecting the medium of exchange without question.
This is usually the point when one begins to wonder—for the first of many times—just what, exactly, this medium is…
Anecdotal, myopic explanations persist within the young and pliant, who grow into a society distanced not only from meaningful, correct answers to this question but, critically, from its very importance.
We’re dissuaded even from the pursuit of asking, as we go about trading cash for this and that, our needs and whims, as though an exchange of rectangle paper bits (or less, even) for anything concrete, is even remotely equitable. Denouncing currency as a fetish prompts reminders of its former role as a proxy for precious metals, though they were fetishes themselves (and still are).
We value ownership, yet it’s this exchange of proxy ownership which guides individual behavior, and judgments, so material itself can’t possibly be the true object of our respect…
It must be the notion of such material.
Currency then, is the indication of an idea—a measure of consciousness.
Its units are the units of consciousness…
* * *
We might imagine such quantities spatially, as geographic territory within the finite limit of our collective minds.
Currency represents the respect we apply to consensus concrete equivalents, whose identities are determined by a most curious method of valuation…
Though we each possess individual thoughts and attention, control of the territory—of our consciousness—is systematically aggregated by an institutional force of persuasion, which convinces us to assign our influence, through stages of opaque, asymmetric transactions, to the command of oligarchs, and oligarchic entities.
We oblige this persuasion, without question.
The process by which “consensus” values are assigned to our will is our system of socioeconomic organization. It’s our shared belief which holds it all in form.
It’s something of a cult…
We all know its name, though we seldom ask about it.
* * *
Within capitalism, value is the force which organizes and directs society.
This value—our thoughts and attention—are constantly vied for by competing manipulative interests, wishing to aggregate individual influence into identity-purged, composite blocks lacking agency, whose form is designed to mold easily, in support of any intention they choose.
Quantities of this medium are assigned arbitrarily, by fiat, under the authority of a coordinated network of federal banks. The volume of hard currency is periodically imagined by bank governors, to portray the influence each and all of us directs. These symbols manifest in a material sense only as long as we continue respecting their significance…
* * *
Capitalism is a network of deep beliefs whose unquestioned truth is inculcated, and then re-inculcated, throughout our lives, from the incept of our awareness—and even before(!)
Bank architects have copied the designs of neoclassical cathedrals, to render into physical form a meaning to reinforce their message that currency is our Master.
The rectangle paper bits (or less, even)—they mean nothing.
We are held to our notion of value by belief.
What a curious trick they have played…
That’s all, for now.